Manuel Nössing
- Google Map to the Buschenschank
- Download contact data (Vcard)
- Link to Facebook/Instagram
- Newsletter and Harvesting
- Imprint
- Data protection

Office / Postal address:
Goldschlagstraße 64 / 111150 Wien
Wine cellar:
Stammersdorfer Kellergasse 931210 Wien
You can find out exact opening times in our newsletter or by telephone.Visit us in the
Stammersdorfer Kellergasse 96
1210 Wien
Map to Buschenschank - Zum Gustl
Contact data
Download contact data to be used in Outlook or in your Smartphone: V-CardFacebook/Instagram:
Link to Facebook side of Manuel Nössing:
Link to Instagram side of Manuel Nössing:

Register for my newsletter and harvesting
If you would like to receive my German newsletter, then select the "Newsletter" option. If you would like to help with the harvest voluntarily and unpaid and learn more about viticulture and the grape harvest, then choose the "Erntehelfer" option.Imprint
Media owner
Responsible for the content and owner of all Image rights:Manuel Nössing
Tel.: +43-699-11659723
Corporate object
Winery NössingOwner: Manuel Nössing
Company number: 4551281
ARA License number: 5240
UID-Nr.: ATU62311947
BIO certified: AT- BIO - 402
Member of the Vienna Chamber of Agriculture
Supervisory authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt für den 6. Bezirk
Location of the media owner
Goldschlagstr. 64/11A 1150 Wien